Sunday, December 12, 2010

2010 - ZS1D Safari dx.

Trying out the new multi-band vertical turned out to be quite successful.
This location on the beach north of Cape Town is rf-free.  DX fills the bands, especially 40m night time is full of EU, NA, OC dx.

ZS1D logs for Dec 2010 are now available via LOTW. 
Feedback, comments and SWL reports are very welcome - in particular if you heard my CQ call, but
for some reason I could not copy you?

Beach camp - /p with battery power and lots of fresh air along this stretch of deserted beach.

Under the milky way - with the Southern Cross clearly visible.  The milky way is so bright, one can almost read a book at night.

Typical sunset wave action

Multi-band vertical - top section = 12ft, which is easily supported against the vehicle.  A single counterpoise is  extended to match the operating band.

DX Breakfast : A room with a view + dx.

This vertical goes on the air in abt the time it takes to slide 3 pieces of Al tubing together.