Sunday, March 27, 2011

Internet SDR - audio streaming

Project notes here:

Added audio streaming to the www client.  Also more UI features such as display pan/zoom
and controls for pause/muteof the data feeds - which will optimize the network bandwidth usage.

I'm now working on adding full SDR receive capability to the www client.
This will allow multi-vfo tuning of the radio from the client.

Feel free to connect as often as you like. The radio is mostly tuned to the high bands during daytime, and
40m at night time Pacific time.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Online SDR - Its alive.

The Online SDR project has been coming along nicely.

The results of a few late nights work appears to be working good so far.
The multi-digital decoding engine is also working fb.Now that the digital decoder is working, then next step is to implement a fully internet enabled SDR.

If you want to follow along, project notes can be found here: ReleaseNotes.

Here is a snapshot of the Online SDR (Single radio mode)

The SDR server and UI supports multi-radio capability.

Independent radios can be visible in a single view view.